Investing In The Right Technology Offerings

Do businesses really increase the efficiency of their operations when they invest in the right tech offerings?

It may not be surprising, but the answer is a resounding ‘yes,’ according to a post on In fact, of those small businesses investing in technology, about 85% look to an increase in revenue as their payback.

Forbes also points to a number of small business IT solutions of tech advancements most likely to help small business owners find solutions to their everyday problems.

The very nature of being a small business owner means a lot of time out of the office, in the field or in the customer’s office.

Consequently, 94% of small businesses in a CDW survey point to their use of mobile devices as crucial in fulfilling their need for data and to interact with their customers.

Analytics’ necessary to monitor pulse of customer.
It’s a given: social media may be where the customer can be found, but it takes analyzing the data to keep one’s “competitive advantages.”

Marketing programs can be tailored to fit specific groups of customers; this, after the “insights” are gleaned from the customer data.

Cloud storage
Savvy business owners are turning to the cloud to handle their storage demands: Dropbox, Microsoft SkyDrive are a few of the options, according to PC Magazine.

“Lack of time and resources for IT tasks can cause big headaches for overworked small businesses.”

Mobile: Making it ‘secure.’
A survey by Symantec noted that mobile security is a top concern among SMB owners. As such, it is crucial to secure devices with encryption, or the wiping of data, to protect sensitive data if devices are stolen.

A favored app by PC Magazine is   ‘Lookout Mobile Security Premium.’

If you have questions about using the cloud, and how to integrate mobile devices with cloud hosting services, contact us today. Let our team of IT professionals help you develop the right strategy.