How Vulnerable IoT Devices are Changing the Cybersecurity Landscape

Changing the Game in Cybersecurity

cybersecurity-chicagoEveryday devices are increasingly being connected to the internet. And early research has shown that these devices — including connected cars, smart home devices, and wearables — often lack basic cybersecurity protections to ward off hackers. This was demonstrated this past summer when security researchers took control of the steering and transmission of a Jeep Cherokee traveling 70 miles per hour on the highway.

This type of hack helps draw media attention to the dangers involved with vulnerable IoT devices, but it doesn’t illustrate all the ways that hackers can use these vulnerabilities in the real world. Hackers could potentially crash a compromised car, but they are more likely to exploit IoT devices to gain entry to corporate and government networks and databases.

To discover more about how IoT devices are changing the cybersecurity landscape, be sure to read the full article by Jonathan Camhi on Business Insider: